Welcome to our new and improved Music Commission Web site!

The Music Commission is proud to launch our new Web site as of Monday, November 30, 2015. It’s the first significant upgrade to the site since its inception in 2005.
Here is a quick breakdown of the information you will find on our new site:
- The About section provides history of the Music Commission, including its origins, mission statement, function, a statement from our Executive Director, Loie Fecteau, as well as printer friendly versions of the Commission’s Statutes and Bylaws, as established by the New Mexico Legislature. The About section also provides information on our upcoming Strategic Plan, past Projects, Bio’s of our Music Commissioners and how to contact our staff.
- A robust Education section new to the site includes vital information about music Advocacy, news of past and upcoming Music Commission Workshops, volunteer Internship possibilities with the Music Commission, state Schools and school music programs, from pre-K through college, as well as information about Private Instruction.
- The Partnerships section is devoted to highlighting the many relationships the Commission is actively building throughout the state, featuring our Affiliates, Grantees, and Sponsors.
- The Resources section provides valuable information about State Grants through New Mexico Arts, Private Grants available through a myriad of sources, and the New Mexico Music Directory, a clearinghouse of musicians, bands, organizations, educators, and music-related businesses in our state. The Music Directory is a Phase 2 project of the Web site upgrade; the new version will be released in 2016. Also slotted for our Phase 2 roll out is a statewide music calendar.
- Our Showcase section features Notable New Mexicans, our unofficial Hall of Fame, a tip of the hat, to our state’s chart topping award winning artists, extraordinary music educators, music organizations and businesses, as well as legendary figures in New Mexico’s vibrant and diverse folk music scene, namely Native American and traditional Spanish and New Mexican Music. Visit this section of our Web site often, as we will be regularly adding new entries. The Showcase section also features music recipients of the Governor’s Arts Awards, the Music Commission’s Platinum Achievement Award, a really fun section showcasing Songs about New Mexico, and a link to our YouTube Channel, featuring music videos of some of our state’s most treasured musicians.
- The News section is an archive of our Press Releases and other newsworthy posts.
- The site also provides links to our Social Media presence, most notably Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Phase 2 will include roll out of Instagram, Sound Cloud, and Twitter accounts.
- The New Mexico Music Commission Events Calendar is a newly added feature. Here you will find music commission-specific-related-sponsored-produced events, activities, meetings, etc.
- We also have a new feature that allows users to join our mailing list – we will send out (not too many) Music Commission-related news, about upcoming events, social actions, meetings, etc. Please consider joining.
Thank you and congratulations to Douglas Patinka, Department of Cultural Affairs Deputy Chief Information Officer, for the design and implementation of the new site. Without him this new site would not exist.
We’re excited about the new roll out of our new site and we hope you will enjoy viewing it. If you feel so moved, please drop us a line and tell us what you think – we’d appreciate hearing from you!