Platnum Achievement

Guralnick, Thomas

Thomas Guralnick ~ Albuquerque

photo: Marla Brose, Albuquerque Journal

Tom Guralnick has been an arts presenter and performing musician for more than 40 years. He has been a force of nature bringing more than 100 jazz concert events annually to New Mexico for nearly 30 years as the Founder and Executive Director of the Outpost. Outpost offers a uniquely eclectic mix of jazz, experimental, folk & roots, and international music in its own intimate and elegant performance space as well as in larger venues in the community. Outpost also hosts extensive educational programs and youth performance opportunities.

The former director of New Mexico Jazz Workshop, Tom is also current board president for the Western Jazz Presenters Network. He is also the Artistic Director of the New Mexico Jazz Festival (Albuquerque & Santa Fe) since 1996.

Guralnick toured nationally and internationally as a solo saxophonist as well as with his own innovative trio, the TG3. Guralnick serves on the boards of several other arts organizations including: the New Mexico Presenters Alliance; the African American Performing Arts Center; the Santa Fe Music Collective; Tricklock Theatre Company; and is a member of the Advisory Board of 516 ARTS. In April of 2016, the Jazz Journalists Association (JJA) named Guralnick a “Jazz Hero.”

Learn more about Tom

above: Tom’s tribute video from the 2018 Platinum Music Awards show at the Lensic. Filmed and edited by Bunee Tomlinson of Windswept Media. Produced by the New Mexico Music Commission Foundation, David Schwartz Executive Producer.

Artists Platnum Achievement slider

Mendez, Nacha

Nacha Mendez ~ La Union | Santa Fe

Nacha Mendez is pioneering the genre of World Latin music, drawing from the influences of her youth combined with the formal training she received during her world travels. Nacha grew up as Marghreta Cordero in the tiny border town of La Union, in southern New Mexico, where she began singing and playing the guitar at an early age. She learned traditional Ranchera Cancion from her grandmother and performed in border towns near El Paso with her cousins the Black Brothers. Nacha is recipient of the New Mexico Music Commission’s 2018 Platinum Music Award.

She went on to study classical voice and electronic music at New Mexico State University before moving to New York City, where she studied flamenco guitar with Manuel Granados of the Music Conservatory of Barcelona, Spain. In the early 90’s she toured Europe as a principal singer in Robert Ashley’s opera company.

Nacha is a nationally recognized artist who received a National Endowment for the Arts Award and a fellowship from Mutable Music in New York. In February 2011, she was honored by the New Mexico Committee of the National Museum of Women Artists. She was voted Best Female vocalist in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2009, 2010 and 2015. She was awarded Best Family Entertainer in 2012 by the Human Rights Alliance. She received the New Mexico Music industry award for best production in the Latin music category 2013 for her song Bella Isabel.

Learn more about Nacha

above: Nacha’s tribute video from the 2018 Platinum Music Awards show at the Lensic. Filmed and edited by Bunee Tomlinson of Windswept Media. Produced by the New Mexico Music Commission Foundation, David Schwartz Executive Producer.

Artists Platnum Achievement slider

Yepa, Malcom

Malcom Yepa ~ Walatowa (Jemez Pueblo)

From Walatowa (Jemez Pueblo), Malcom Yepa’s contribution to New Mexico’s music industry is prodigious and unique. Malcom is an accomplished musician as a singer, drummer and composer both in Native American Pueblo and Powwow styles. Malcom was raised in the traditional ways of his ancestors – fluent in his Native language Towa – and is a paraprofessional educator. Malcom is recipient of the New Mexico Music Commission’s 2018 Platinum Music Award.

In 1989 while in Montana, Malcom was captivated with the Powwow style of singing and drumming. Upon returning to Jemez Pueblo, he created and led the Black Eagle Powwow Drum Group. Over 28 years, Malcom led Black Eagle in a style that was new to his Pueblo People and become internationally known and admired in the North American “Powwow Circle.”

Black Eagle, whose CD’s are Grammy and Native American Music Award winners, have contributed to New Mexico’s music industry through their original music, continuous teaching of multi-generational singers from youth to elders, as well representing New Mexico Native American music and culture.

Throughout their travels, Black Eagle have always proudly represented Jemez Pueblo and the State of New Mexico gaining the respect of the music community which led to award acknowledgments of Black Eagles’ outstanding original compositions.

Learn more about Malcom

above: Malcom’s tribute video from the 2018 Platinum Music Awards show at the Lensic. Filmed and edited by Bunee Tomlinson of Windswept Media. Produced by the New Mexico Music Commission Foundation, David Schwartz Executive Producer.


Smiley, DeAnna ~ guitar ~ Albuquerque

New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight

Featured Student: DeAnna Smiley ~ Albuquerque

DeAnna Smiley is the April 2018 featured student in the New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight series.

DeAnna was born and raised in Albuquerque and is a junior at Menaul School. She is a kind, respectable student who works hard not only in her guitar studies but also in her academic studies. She is a third-year guitar student under the guidance of her teacher, Chelsea Toledo. DeAnna is an eager and motivated student who regularly volunteers to participate in performances outside of class whenever the opportunity arises. During her time in guitar class, she has opened up to her classmates, getting to know some quite well. She feels very challenged by Ms. Toledo’s instruction and has had to work hard to improve her note reading and technique so that she can play more challenging music. In addition to guitar, DeAnna composes her own music, has an interest in the piano, and is a visual artist and writer.

DeAnna was nominated by her guitar instructor and mentor, Chelsea Toledo, Director of the Guitar Program at Menaul School. Chelsea says of Deanna, “She has been a part of my guitar class since her freshman year. Like most Freshman, classical guitar was brand new to her. She was one to immediately adapt to the basics of proper posture, proper technique, and reading musical notation. In that first year DeAnna never passed up an opportunity to perform in out-of-school events. Her first performance was at a gala fundraising event for Menaul school in February of 2016 and for the past three years she has always been the first person to volunteer for performances we are invited to at church services and at Menaul’s baccalaureate ceremonies. DeAnna has spent each year improving her technique and her note reading so that she is able to better perform more advanced pieces. I am constantly impressed by her ability to take any advice I have to offer and apply it immediately to her music. I have seen DeAnna grow in more ways than just her musicianship. DeAnna is an incredibly quiet student and has kept to herself, but throughout the years she has emerged from her quiet demeanor to engage in musical conversation. In essence, she has let the guitar be her voice. She performs with the utmost accuracy and attention to detail. I consider her to be one of my most talented students to embody all the qualities of a dedicated musician and a kind and loving student with immense respect for all of those around her.”

DeAnna is extremely humbled by this recognition and is grateful to all those who have supported her throughout the years, particularly her mother, Dorene Etcitty, and her teacher, Chelsea Toledo.

Congratulations, DeAnna, for being selected as the Music Commission’s April 2018 student musician! In addition to being inducted into the student spotlight, DeAnna will be featured on the Music Commission’s Facebook page and will receive an official certificate of recognition from the State.

Click here for information about the Student Musician Spotlight.

above: DeAnna Smiley performing an assignment from her guitar class at Menaul School – recorded late March 2018.

note: DeAnna’s biographical information, image, and video are used with permission of her mother.

news press releases

Music Commission to Meet in Albuquerque

April 3, 2018

Contact: Thomas Goodrich, New Mexico Music Commission
Phone: 505-827-6454

New Mexico Music Commission to Meet in Albuquerque April 10, 2018

Santa Fe – The New Mexico Music Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 from 10 am to noon, in the Board of Directors Room, Old Brick building, at The Menaul School, 301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM  87107. The meeting is free and open to the public.

Copies of the agenda will be available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the Commission’s website, Copies of the agenda also may be obtained by contacting New Mexico Arts at 505-827-6490; or statewide: 800-879-4278; or fax: 505-827-6043.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for special needs. Please contact New Mexico Arts, 407 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe NM 87501, 505-827-6490; or statewide: 800-879-4278; or fax: 505-827-6043, at least one (1) week before the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact New Mexico Arts if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

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The New Mexico Music Commission is an advisory body made up of Governor-appointed volunteers who are specialists and leaders in the state’s diverse music industry. Their mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the musical traditions of New Mexico, to foster appreciation of the value of music, and to encourage the educational, creative and professional musical activities of the residents of New Mexico. The commission is administratively attached to New Mexico Arts, the State Arts agency and a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs.


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