news press releases

Music Commission to Meet in Albuquerque

February 8, 2018

Contact: Thomas Goodrich, New Mexico Music Commission Administrator
Phone: 505-827-6454

New Mexico Music Commission to Meet in Albuquerque February 13, 2018

Santa Fe – The New Mexico Music Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from 10 am to noon, in the Board of Directors Room, Old Brick building, at The Menaul School, 301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM  87107. The meeting is open to the public.

Copies of the agenda will be available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the Commission’s website, Copies of the agenda also may be obtained by contacting New Mexico Arts at 505-827-6490; or statewide: 800-879-4278; or fax: 505-827-6043.

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The New Mexico Music Commission is an advisory body made up of Governor-appointed volunteers who are specialists and leaders in the state’s diverse music industry. Their mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the musical traditions of New Mexico, to foster appreciation of the value of music, and to encourage the educational, creative and professional musical activities of the residents of New Mexico. The commission is administratively attached to New Mexico Arts, the State Arts agency and a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs.

news press releases

Seeking Nominations: 2018 Platinum Music Awards

Press Release

For Immediate Release

Seeking Nominations: 2018 New Mexico Platinum Music Awards Honoring New Mexico’s Music Legends’ Lifetime Achievements

Nominations Are Now Officially Open for the 2018 Platinum Music Awards Honoring New Mexico Music Legends

Santa Fe, N.M.February 1, 2018 –  The New Mexico Music Commission Foundation (NMMCF) will present the second annual Platinum Music Awards (PMA) ceremony and show on August 30, 2018, at the Lensic Performing Arts Center in Santa Fe.  At this gala event, six of New Mexico’s music legends will receive the Platinum Music Award for lifetime achievement.  The honorees will accept their awards in person and receive tributes by some of the state’s top musical talent at this event.  Proceeds of the 2018 Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show will benefit the Music Commission’s Music Education initiatives, most notably its Music in the Schools and ART2ART projects.

New Mexico residents are invited to nominate musicians, bands, music teachers, producers and any person or organization based in the state that have contributed significantly to our musical culture.  The nomination form and instructions can be downloaded from  Nominations are accepted between February 1 and March 15 and will be reviewed by a jury of music industry experts chosen by the New Mexico Music Commission.  The honorees will be announced April 19.

The nomination and selection process is managed by the Music Commission and the award ceremony and show, scheduled for August 30, is produced by the Music Commission Foundation, its partner organization.  “Last July the NMMCF produced the inaugural Platinum Music Awards event and it was a resounding success.  To begin the evening, six honorees were feted at an exclusive awards presentation followed by the PMA show which featured performances by several of our state’s top talent and oratory tributes by music industry colleagues,” stated Melissa Sanchez, commissioner for the New Mexico Music Commission.  “We are again reaching out statewide to New Mexico residents for nominations from which the 2018 PMA honorees will be selected.”

In addition to the awards ceremony, sponsorship opportunities are available.  “Sponsorship is a great opportunity for businesses, organizations and individuals to show support for New Mexico’s active and diverse music community,” said David Schwartz, president of the New Mexico Music Commission Foundation and producer of the Platinum Music Awards show.  “This important event recognizes some of the people who have built New Mexico’s musical culture for decades, and the proceeds benefit the Music Commission’s Music Education initiatives.”  Sponsorship levels between $500 and $10,000 are available with many benefits including advertising, promotional mention, and tickets to the show and its exclusive events.

Current 2018 PMA $3,500 Platinum Level sponsors include Cisneros Design, Hutton Broadcasting, Berardinelli Family Funeral Service, Brookdale Senior Living, Quezada Jacobs Allstate, and SunPower by Positive Energy Solar.  A wide range of sponsors have also joined at the $1,500 Gold Circle including The Lensic Performing Arts Center, Los Alamos National Bank, Candyman Music, Lectrosonics, Daniel Quat Photography, and Graphic Sky Printing.  $500 level sponsorships are also available.

“We applaud the efforts of the foundation in organizing this important and beneficial event.  The 2017 show was amazing and 2018 promises to be even better,” said Michael Delello, deputy cabinet secretary for the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.  “This is a fitting way for the foundation to galvanize the music community to provide support for Music Commission projects especially in music education.”

For more information on the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show, please visit

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Contact: Stephanie Strahl, James Korenchen Public Relations, at (505) 797-6688 or

About the New Mexico Music Commission

The New Mexico Music Commission is an advisory body made up of Governor-appointed volunteers who are specialists and leaders in the state’s diverse music industry. Their mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the musical traditions of New Mexico, to foster appreciation of the value of music, and to encourage the educational, creative and professional musical activities of the residents of New Mexico. The Commission is administratively attached to New Mexico Arts, a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs. In 2017, the New Mexico Music Commission adopted the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show as their annual signature event and primary fund raiser, per their strategic plan, and charged their Foundation with production, media, and sponsorship of these events.

About the New Mexico Music Commission Foundation

The purpose of the foundation is to serve at the discretion of the Music Commission in two key areas: Development, by sponsoring fundraisers, seeking donors, sponsors, and benefactors, writing grants, and serving as a fiscal agent for the Music Commission; and, Volunteerism, by providing volunteer support to assist in the execution of Music Commission events and projects. Key Foundation projects include: Platinum Music Awards: The Music Commission has entrusted the Foundation with production, media, and sponsorship of the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and awards show. Music in the Schools: The Foundation has taken the lead on developing a pilot Visiting Artist program with the Santa Fe Public Schools on behalf of the Music Commission. Proceeds from the 2017 Platinum Awards show are used to partially fund the pilot, for which professional musicians are hired to deliver assemblies, master classes, clinics, sectionals, and lessons to SFPS music students. It is the hope of the Commission and Foundation that this pilot program will expand to other school districts around the state with the continued growth and success of the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show.

About the Platinum Music Awards

“The Platinums” are an evolution of the New Mexico Music Commission’s Platinum Achievement Awards established in 2013 to celebrate the role that the music industry plays in the cultural life and economic success of New Mexico. Six Platinum Music Awards (PMA) are presented annually to living musicians and music supporters who have demonstrated lifetime achievement in their musical idiom or have made significant or distinguished contributions to music in New Mexico. A diverse and prestigious list of musicians and other outstanding individuals will be honored. The Platinum Awards will continue to evolve with the state’s ever-changing music industry so that the impact and relevance of the awards persist.


Tatum, Jordyn ~ soprano ~ Albuquerque

New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight

Featured Student: Jordyn Tatum ~ Albuquerque

Jordyn Tatum, soprano

Jordyn Tatum is the February 2018 featured student in the New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight series.

Jordyn has been a chorister at the Cathedral of St. John for ten years and is currently a member of the Cathedral Choir. As a Senior Chorister she is a role model and mentor to the younger members of the program. She admires the demanding work and dedication of the choir director and Director of Cathedral Music, Dr. Maxine Thevenot and assistant organist Mr. Edmund Connolly. She is currently the Cathedral’s Jr. Choral Scholar.

The Cathedral Choir tours nationally and internationally and Jordyn has had the opportunity to sing with the choir and as a soloist at Westminster Abbey and Winchester Cathedral (U.K), the Washington National Cathedral (Washington D.C.) and in churches in New York City. She will be singing at Wells Cathedral, U.K. this summer with the Cathedral Choir. Over the past 3 years, Jordyn has attended the prestigious week-long Saint Thomas Girl Chorister course in New York City.

The love for music and learning is evident in Jordyn’s passion for all types of music. She has met many composers and has been a featured soloist in the Cathedral commissioned works by Andrew Carter and Aaron David Miller and on the Cathedral Choirs recent recordings In Dulci Jubilo (2015) and Tell of His Love (2017).

Jordyn is a Sophomore at Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School. She studies voice with Edmund Connolly and has been selected several times to the All State Mixed Choir. She also plays the piano and is interested in learning to play the ukulele.

Around Albuquerque, Jordyn has participated and been a prizewinner in the Vocal Artistry Art Song Festival, Albuquerque’s Got Talent, Kirtland’s Got Talent, The Albuquerque Little Theater, Landmark Musicals and the Santa Fe Opera. She was selected to sing the National Anthem for the Wounded Warrior event at Kirtland Air Force Base.

Jordyn was nominated by Dr. Maxine Thevenot, Director of Music at the Cathedral of St. John in Albuquerque. Maxine says of Jordyn, “Over her years as a young Chorister and now as a stipendiary Junior Choral Scholar in the Cathedral Choir, Jordyn has consistently been a dedicated, not to mention talented choir member. She arrived as a promising six year old chorister, and she has worked especially hard to hone her craft and skills in recent years whilst maintaining her complete humility.”

Jordyn is extremely humbled by this recognition and is grateful to all those who have supported her throughout the years.

Congratulations, Jordyn, for being selected as the Music Commission’s February 2018 student musician! In addition to being inducted into the student spotlight, Jordyn will be featured on the Music Commission’s Facebook page and will receive an official certificate of recognition from the State.

Click here for information about the Student Musician Spotlight.

above: Jordyn Tatum sings Pie Jesu from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem in D minor, Op. 48, conducted by Dr. Maxine Thevenot, organist Edmund Connolly, recorded Saturday, November 11, 2017 at The Cathedral of St. John.

note: Jordyn’s biographical information, image, and video are used with permission of her parents.


Hall, Haven ~ percussion ~ Santa Fe

New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight

Featured Student: Haven Hall ~ Santa Fe

Haven Hall, percussionist

Haven Hall is the January 2018 featured student in the New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight series.

Haven was born drumming.  It has always been instinctual for him.  He started drumming with his hands and anything he could get a hold of as soon as he could move.  He got his first drum kit when he was 3 years old and naturally began playing his own original poly rhythms.

At the age of 6, he met the wonderful staff at the Candyman Strings & Things in Santa Fe one day when he joined a group of older kids, adults and instructors to play “All Along the Watchtower” for 15 minutes straight.   The owners of the store, Cindy and Rand Cook, took Haven in as family and have supported him wholeheartedly ever since. He’s participated in the Candyman’s Rock Band Camp for 5 years, recording songs in a local studio and performing live. Haven has been taking weekly drum lessons at the Candyman with his mentor, Andy Primm, since he was 8.

At the age of 9, Haven and two friends formed a band called Peach Fuzz, after enjoying a box of fresh peaches harvested from a tree in Haven’s yard.  They’ve rehearsed weekly without any instruction.  Their first performance was in 2016 on the Skylight stage, debuting an original knockout tune, “The Man Behind the Fuzz”. At the same show, Haven sang lead vocals for the first time, on “House of Gold”, by 21 Pilots.  Since, they have performed several times at the Candyman, at the SF Brewing Company for a Feeding Santa Fe fundraiser, and most recently, opening for Ralph’s World on the grand stage at the Lensic Theater.

Haven can’t help but play his drums, and he practices every day.  He aspires to be a professional drummer in a rock band when he’s older.  His parents have always thoroughly supported his drumming and have enjoyed watching his talent develop. He is very grateful to Cindy Cook for nominating him and to the NM Music Commission for selecting him, and he is deeply honored to receive the Student Spotlight Award.

Haven was nominated by Cindy Cook, co-owner of The Candyman Strings & Things music store in Santa Fe. In her nomination, Cindy writes, “Haven’s personal strengths are as impressive as his musical accomplishments. He’s a quiet calm and acts as a sort of ‘anchor’ in group settings. He has a wonderful sense of humor and doesn’t seem to engage in unnecessary quarrels or disputes. He is sensitive to the feelings of others while guarding his own, and is aware of his environment, understands how he fits in, and acts appropriately. His calm and pleasant nature and openness to feedback reflects that he’s always learning and growing – an impressive strength that will continue to serve him well in school and in life.”

Congratulations, Haven, for being selected as the Music Commission’s January 2018 student musician! In addition to being inducted into the student spotlight, Haven will be featured on the Music Commission’s Facebook page and will receive an official certificate of recognition from the State.

Click here for information about the Student Musician Spotlight.

above: Haven Hall jamming on New Year’s Eve Day, 2017.

note: Haven’s biographical information, image, and video are used with permission of his parents.


Wolf, Atticus ~ piano ~ Albuquerque

New Mexico Music Commission’s Student Musician Spotlight

Featured Student: Atticus Wolf ~ Albuquerque

Atticus Wolf, pianist

Atticus Wolf is the first student to be featured in the New Mexico Music Commission’s new Student Spotlight series.

Atticus started learning piano at age four. His instructor, Donna Mickey, is also his Grandmother and has been teaching piano in the family for over 42 years. Atticus takes weekly lessons from his Grandma and tries to get in at least one practice a week on his own. Atticus plans to continue studying piano with his Grandma for many years to come.

He has always had a great ear for music. At the early age of three, he learned the words of a few songs from the Beetle’s popular album and animated film, Yellow Submarine. One song in particular was his favorite, getting played many times on the way to pre-school. That song, “Hey Bulldog” is one of the few Beatles’ songs based on a piano riff.  Another favorite piano song is “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John. Atticus has learned how to play this song on piano.

Atticus is in 2nd grade as a member of the New Mexico Association of the Gifted and attends Lew Wallace Elementary School in Albuquerque NM. He is a member of the Lew Wallace Chess Club and enjoys playing chess any chance he can. He is very interested in and explores many topics relating to physical science, chemistry and mathematics. During his free time, Atticus builds elaborate structures out of Lego, Erector Set, wood and clay. Atticus states that when he grows up, he wants to be a scientist, however in the meantime he dreams of someday playing piano on America’s Got Talent.

He was nominated by his father, Jason Wolf, who is a professional musician and owner of Tripl3Tone Studios in Albuquerque. In his son’s nomination, Jason writes, “As a lifelong musician, I understand the importance of music to me and have seen the applications of a music discipline be applied to other areas of my life. This is why I offered the gift of learning music to my son. I was very happy to see Atticus embrace and enjoy learning how to read sheet music and play the piano.”

Congratulations, Atticus, for being selected as the Music Commission’s December 2017 student musician! In addition to being inducted into the student spotlight, Atticus will be featured on the Music Commission’s Facebook page and will receive an official certificate of recognition from the State.

Click here for information about the Student Musician Spotlight.

above: Atticus Wolf performing for his family, November 2017

note: Atticus’ biographical information, image, and video are used with permission of his parents

news press releases

Music Commission to Meet in Bernalillo

November 8, 2017

Contact: Dan Stoddard, Vice Chair | Interim Chair, New Mexico Music Commission
Phone: 575-791-3393

New Mexico Music Commission to Meet in Bernalillo

Santa Fe – The New Mexico Music Commission will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 from 10 am to noon, at the Sandoval County Administrative Offices, 1500 Idalia Road, Building D, 2nd floor, Bernalillo, NM 87004. The meeting is open to the public.

Copies of the agenda will be available at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the Commission’s website, Copies of the agenda also may be obtained by contacting New Mexico Arts at 505-827-6490; or statewide: 800-879-4278; or fax: 505-827-6043.

Reasonable accommodations will be made for special needs. Please contact New Mexico Arts, 407 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe NM 87501, 505-827-6490; or statewide: 800-879-4278; or fax: 505-827-6043, at least one (1) week before the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact New Mexico Arts if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

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The New Mexico Music Commission is an advisory body made up of Governor-appointed volunteers who are specialists and leaders in the state’s diverse music industry. Their mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the musical traditions of New Mexico, to foster appreciation of the value of music, and to encourage the educational, creative and professional musical activities of the residents of New Mexico. The commission is administratively attached to New Mexico Arts, the State Arts agency and a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs.