
Production Committee

State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Production Committee


Article VIII of the New Mexico Music Commission’s bylaws and rules of procedure, as provided by 2011 NMSA 1978 18-16-1 through 18-16-4 The Music Commission Act, dictates the formation of committees from time to time, as it deems appropriate.


The Production Committee shall assume responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Art2Art : Administer and produce the Art2Art program : Produce a total of 6 Art2Art events, 1 event per 2021 and 2022 calendar years in each of the following 3 counties: Bernalillo, Santa Fe, and Sandoval; research and invite music-related 501c3 arts organizations receiving funding from the New Mexico Arts Grants Program to serve as Art2Art event partners; determine the efficacy of the Art2Art program and whether or not it should continue as part of the commission’s new strategic plan – if yes, include in the production strategic plan proposal, if not, propose a replacement program that actively engages musicians in an educational-performance setting; if necessary, work with the Education committee chair to strategize a replacement event
  • NMTour : Provide support of New Mexico Arts NMTour program; attend NMTour performances as Music Commission representative, create and maintain a roster of artists representing a wide variety of genres and cultural identification from every county in the state (as much as possible), recommend possible non-profit performance venues, develop: branding, logo, social media presence, NMMC web page content, application processes for host venues and musicians; coordinate with Jenice Gharib of NM Arts on development and administration of the program; include the NMTour in the production committee’s strategic plan proposal.
  • Platinum Music Awards : Evaluate the Platinum Music Awards ceremony and show to determine its impact and efficacy as the commission’s annual signature event and primary fundraiser, report findings to the executive committee; should it be determined the PMA show shall continue as the commission’s annual signature event and primary fundraiser, advise on ceremony and show format, suggest additions, deletions, improvements; should it be determined the PMA show shall not continue as the commission’s annual signature event, research and propose new signature event(s) to Executive Committee for inclusion in the commission’s new strategic plan; should it be determined the PMA show shall not continue as the commission’s primary fundraiser and annual signature event, coordinate with the development committee to strategize a new event and submit a proposal to the Executive Committee for inclusion in the new strategic plan.
  • Executive Production : Serve as part of executive production for all commission events and productions in coordination with other Music Commission committees and/or outside partners.
  • Networking : The Chair of the production committee shall serve as the Music Commission liaison to the New Mexico Arts Commission and represent the Music Commission at their quarterly meetings.
  • Propose : New events for inclusion in strategic planning.
  • Additional Duties : that may arise throughout the course of Commission business and/or may be requested by the Chair.


Officer Responsibilities

Projects and Accomplishments

  • PNM/NMMC co-sponsorship for Bands of Enchantment series on PBS KNME-TV, summer 2021.
  • PNM/NMMC co-sponsorship for Santa Fe Bandstand, summer 2021.


The Production Committee meets the fourth Friday of the month at 2:00pm by Zoom.


  • When Is Good simplifies scheduling meetings
  • Padlet assists with brainstorming and information gathering


The Committee Chair and Secretary shall:

  • Create an Agenda for each committee meeting
  • Record Meeting Notes at each committee meeting
  • Deliver monthly Status Updates to the Executive Committee
  • Deliver quarterly Executive Summary reports at each public Commission meeting
  • Submit the above items to Administrator Goodrich in a timely manner, to be archived at the bottom of this page

Reporting Templates

Meeting Agendas

  • 2021 : Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dec

Meeting Notes

  • 2021 : Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dec

Status Updates

  • coming soon

Executive Summaries

  • coming soon

Key Documents

  • coming soon



Education Outreach Committee

State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Education Outreach Committee


Article VIII of the New Mexico Music Commission’s bylaws and rules of procedure, as provided by 2011 NMSA 1978 18-16-1 through 18-16-4 The Music Commission Act, dictates the formation of an Education Outreach Committee, as follows:

There shall be various standing operations committees, corresponding to the major operations areas of the Commission’s responsibilities. The standing operations committees may include the following:

  1. There shall be an Education Outreach Committee that has responsibility for developing and monitoring education outreach to each county in the state.


As per the bylaws, the Education Outreach Committee shall regularly exercise responsibilities for:

  • development and monitoring of education outreach to each county in the state.

In addition, the Education Outreach Committee shall assume responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Student Musician Spotlight : Administration of the Student Musician Spotlight program : facilitate nominations that fairly represent the unique diversity of New Mexico’s demographics, encourage nominations particularly from outside Albuquerque and Santa Fe, work with commissioners on facilitation of nominations in every county of the state as part of the Rural County Outreach initiative; review nomination submissions and select honorees; evaluate the efficacy of the Student Musician Spotlight eligibility, nomination, and selection process and implement modifications, modify the nomination form as needed; seek new Student Spotlight sponsors; consider establishing a scholarship fund to award Student Spotlight honorees; consider developing an annual recital featuring Student Spotlight honorees and/or partner with outside organization(s) to procure spots in existing programming for Student Spotlight honorees to be featured; create a logo, branding, and a social media campaign for the program; assess the efficacy of the Student Spotlight program and determine if it shall continue as part of the commission’s new strategic plan – if so, include in strategic plan proposal, if not, propose an alternative to showcase New Mexico’s music youth.
  • Music Education advisor : Serve as music education advisors for all Commission events, projects, and initiatives; Suggest service projects to commissioners seeking advice on how best to interact with the music education community in their adopted counties, as part of the Rural County Outreach initiative.
  • Networking : The Chair of the Education Committee shall interface with the New Mexico Advisory Council on Arts Education; members of the Education Committee shall interface with other music education professional organizations, such as but not limited to New Mexico Music Educators Association, New Mexico Choral Directors Association, etc.
  • Website : Monitor education-related content on the Music Commission website; review and assess content in the Education, Advocacy, Volunteer, Schools, and Private Instruction sections of the website; advise Administrator Goodrich of necessary additions, deletions, updates.
  • Notable New Mexicans : Monitor the Commission’s Notable New Mexicans informal online hall of fame; suggest new inductees, particularly Educators and Organizations; evaluate content of honoree profiles, advise Administrator Goodrich of necessary additions, deletions, updates.
  • Propose : New music education programming to be included in strategic planning.
  • Other Duties : that may arise throughout the course of Commission business and/or may be requested by the Chair.


Officer Responsibilities



The Education Committee meets the second Friday of the month at 3pm by Zoom.


  • When Is Good simplifies scheduling meetings
  • Padlet assists with brainstorming and information gathering


The Committee Chair and Secretary shall:

  • Create an Agenda for each committee meeting
  • Record Meeting Notes at each committee meeting
  • Deliver monthly Status Updates to the Executive Committee
  • Deliver quarterly Executive Summary reports at each public Commission meeting
  • Submit the above items to Administrator Goodrich in a timely manner, to be archived at the bottom of this page

Reporting Templates

Meeting Agendas

  • 2021 : Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dec

Meeting Notes

  • 2021 : Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Nov | Dec

Status Updates

  • coming soon

Executive Summaries

  • coming soon

Key Documents




State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Committee Secretary Responsibilities

The committee secretary’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Assist the committee chair in scheduling committee meeting dates and times ~ per COVID health restrictions all meetings shall take place by Zoom until further notice
  • Prepare agendas in liaison with the committee chair
  • Maintain a “rolling schedule” of business for forthcoming meetings ~ this system will enable draft agendas to be drawn up in advance and help identify items which may require pre planning and preparation
  • Consult with the committee chair before each meeting to ensure any difficulties in transacting business are anticipated and appropriate strategies for handling them are identified
  • Ensure the meeting agenda, meeting notes, and relevant documents are circulated to the members of the committee
  • Be familiar with the membership of the committee, when the periods of office of the members expire, and the procedure for replacing members
  • Take the minutes of each meeting
  • With the assistance of the committee chair, edit the minutes and provide a draft copy to all committee members prior to  each subsequent meeting
  • Review deliverables and verify assignments, due dates, etc. at the end of each meeting ~ include in meeting notes
  • Email all final/approved agenda, minutes, and other documentation in PDF format to Administrator Goodrich in a timely manner ~ include key working documents that are clearly labeled as draft documents


State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Committee Chair Responsibilities

The committee chair’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • With the assistance of the committee Secretary, schedule dates, times, and location for committee meetings ~ per COVID health orders, all meetings will take place by Zoom until further notice
  • Ensure meeting are called and held in accordance with commission bylaws and State statutes
  • Ensure a quorum or rolling quorum of commissioners is never formed during committee meetings or while conducting committee business
  • With the assistance of the committee Secretary and in consultation with committee members, establish and confirm an agenda for each meeting
  • Officiate and conduct meetings, facilitate discussion and brainstorming, encourage equal participation of all committee members
  • Be aware of the wider context in which the committee operates and, in particular, relate its business to the commission’s mission and duties
  • Provide leadership and ensure committee members are aware of their obligations and that the committee complies with its responsibilities
  • Ensure there is sufficient time during the meeting to fully discuss agenda items
  • Ensure that discussion on agenda items is on topic, productive, and professional
  • With the assistance of the committee Secretary, ensure all documents generated by the committee are complete and accurate, retained, included, and reviewed at the next meeting

Executive Committee

State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Executive Committee


Article VII of the New Mexico Music Commission’s bylaws and rules of procedure, as provided by 2011 NMSA 1978 18-16-1 through 18-16-4 The Music Commission Act, dictates the formation of an executive committee. The bylaws state:

The Commission shall have an Executive Committee consisting of five Commissioners, whose members shall be assigned by the Chair for a term of one year.

  1. If any assigned member of the Executive Committee is unable to attend a meeting of that committee, the Commission Chair may appoint another Commissioner to serve for that meeting.
  2. The Commission Chair shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee.
  3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chair with fourteen (14) days written notice of the meeting to all Executive Committee members and to all Commissioners.
  4. The Executive Committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for budget oversight, long-range planning, and initial review of all applications for funding and shall make recommendations in these areas to the Commission and the Executive Director.
  5. Minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee shall be distributed to all Commissioners prior to the next Commission meeting.


As per the bylaws, the Executive Committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for:

  • budget oversight
  • long-range planning
  • initial review of all applications for funding
  • recommendations in these areas to the Commission and the Executive Director.

In addition to the above duties outlined in the commission’s bylaws, the executive committee shall regularly exercise responsibility for:

  • Committee Oversight : Serve on 1 ad interim committee in addition to the executive committee; Govern and oversee ad interim committees, which includes the authority to attend meetings of any ad interim committee for which they are not a member.
  • Networking : Represent the music commission in meetings and negotiations with New Mexico Arts (NMA), the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), DCA’s General Counsel, the Attorney General’s Office, other state agencies, boards, and commissions, and/or private sector organizations including the Music Commission Foundation, as requested.
  • Reporting : Deliver Executive Summary committee reports.
  • Other Duties : Other duties that may arise throughout the course of Commission business and/or may be requested by the Chair.


Officer Responsibilities

Meeting Agendas


Meeting Notes


Key Documents



Regular Meeting 12 January 2021

State of New Mexico
Music Commission
Regular Meeting

12 January 2021
via Zoom


I. Introductions : Carlos Medina, Chair New Mexico Music Commission (NMMC)

a. Participant biographical profiles : Medina will invite each commissioner and guest speaker to briefly introduce themselves. Introductions will be limited to 15 seconds per person. Review biographical profiles for further information on each commissioner and guest speaker.

b. Roll Call : José Ponce, Secretary New Mexico Music Commission

i. Medina may modify the agenda to accommodate lack of quorum and/or absent speakers, as needed

II. Consider approving the agenda : Medina ACTION by roll call vote

III. Consider approving previous minutes : Medina ACTION by roll call vote

a. 10 November 2020 minutes

IV. Officer elections : Medina

a. Review : Robert’s Rules of Order for Officer Nominations and Elections

b. Vice-Chair

    1. Review : Vice-Chair duties
    2. Identify : All candidates for the office of Vice-Chair shall express their interest and outline their qualifications
    3. Nominate: Chair Medina shall open the floor for nominations; Commissioners shall nominate candidates; self-nominations are permitted
    4. Elect : ACTION by roll call vote

c. Secretary

    1. Review : Secretary duties
    2. Identify : All candidates for the office of Secretary shall express their interest and outline their qualifications
    3. Nominate : Chair Medina shall open the floor for nominations; Commissioners shall formally nominate candidates from the floor; self-nominations are permitted
    4. Elect : ACTION by roll call vote

V. Formation of Executive Committee (EC) : Medina

a. Review : Executive Committee duties

b. Discuss : Commissioners interested in serving as a member-at-large on the Executive Committee shall express their interest, outline their qualifications for the office, and share ways in which they envision contributing to the committee.

e. Deliverables : Chair Medina shall consider all interested commissioners and assign 2 commissioners to serve as member-at-large in the days following today’s meeting. The Executive Committee shall schedule its first meeting by Zoom before the end of January 2021.

VI. Formation of ad interim committees : Medina, Goodrich

Overview : 3 committees shall be formed to promote the Music Commission’s mission and duties during the interim period until a new strategic plan is adopted and implemented. Anticipated adoption of a new strategic plan is October 2021, with implementation beginning January 2022.

General Duties : Each commissioner shall serve on 1 ad interim committee. 2 committees shall consist of 5 members and 1 committee shall consist of 4 members. At such time a 15th commissioner is appointed by the Governor, they shall join the 4-member committee. Chair Medina shall assign committee members and appoint a chair for each committee. Each committee shall select a secretary. Each committee shall provide status updates to the executive committee and shall provide quarterly executive updates at each regular commission meeting. Duties specific to each committee are outlined below.

a. Education Outreach Committee (EOC)

    1. Review : Education Outreach Committee duties
    2. Discuss : Commissioners interested in serving on the Education Outreach Committee shall express their interest, outline their qualifications, and share ways in which they envision contributing to the committee. Commissioners shall also express their interest in serving as committee chair should they be interested.
    3. Deliverable : Chair Medina shall consider all interested commissioners and assign 4/5 commissioners, one of which he will appoint as committee chair. The committee shall schedule its first meeting before the end of January 2021.

b. Development Committee (DC)

    1. Review : Development Committee duties
    2. Discuss : Commissioners interested in serving on the Development Committee shall express their interest, outline their qualifications, and share ways in which they envision contributing to the committee. Commissioners shall also express their interest in serving as committee chair, should they be interested.
    3. Deliverable : Chair Medina shall consider all interested commissioners, assign 4/5 commissioners, 1 of which he will appoint as committee chair, to the Development Committee, by email in the following days after the January meeting. The committee shall schedule its first meeting before the end of January 2021.

c. Production Committee (PC)

    1. Review : Production Committee duties
    2. Discuss : Commissioners interested in serving on the Production Committee shall express their interest, outline their qualifications, and share ways in which they envision contributing to the committee. Commissioners shall also express their interest in serving as committee chair, should they be interested.
    3. Deliverable : Chair Medina shall consider all interested commissioners, assign 4/5 commissioners, one of which he will appoint as committee chair, to the Production Committee, by email in the following days after the January meeting. The committee shall schedule its first meeting before the end of January 2021.

VII. Federal Funding allocated to the Music Commission by New Mexico Arts : Jenice Gharib, New Mexico Arts Grants Program & Policy Director

a. $10,000 program funding to be used before 31 December 2022

i. Review : Spending guidelines

b. $10,000 per fiscal year allocated to NMA’s NMTour program

i. Discuss : Ways in which the Commission could assist NMA with NMTour ~ some suggestions are listed in the Production Committees duties; the Production Committee will work with Gharib, Medina, and Goodrich on formalizing processes

VIII. Rural County Outreach : Medina, Goodrich

a. Review : Commissioner Outreach by County duties

b. Adopt : Commissioners shall adopt 2 rural counties ~ 1 from the 15 most-populous counties list and 1 from the 15 least-populous counties list and referencing the Rural County Outreach document to facilitate the adoption process. Each commissioner shall have 1 opportunity to barter/trade counties with another commissioner.

c. Discuss : Commissioners shall brainstorm possible outreach service projects

d. Determine : Commissioners shall discuss and determine by general consensus the number of outreach service projects to be delivered in each county during the 2021 calendar year

e. Deliverable : In order to verify compliance with State statutes and protocols, all gratis and/or funded outreach projects must be approved. Commissioners shall submit all outreach service project proposals to the Executive Committee for approval. Commissioners shall execute other duties as outlined in Commissioner Outreach by County duties. Commissioners shall deliver x-number of projects in each of their 2 adopted counties, as agreed upon in today’s discussion, before the end of the 2021 calendar year. Commissioners shall visually document all projects, to be featured on the Music Commission Facebook page and/or website. Commissioners shall submit a brief one-page Executive Summary of each project to the Executive Committee.

IX. Commission support of the state’s music industry during the COVID-19 pandemic and with recovery readiness : Frouge, Melissa Sanchez, Executive Director Intertribal Ceremonial Office, Department of Tourism

a. Reference materials

i. COVID-Related Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations ~ New Mexico Arts

ii. Save Our Stages Act ~ National Independent Venue Association

iii. Peer-to-Peer Workshops ~ Creative Capital

iv. NM Covid-19: Artists Resources, Support & Updates ~ Commissioner Frouge

v. COVID Safe Certified Training Program (currently does not include training for performance venues or events)

b. Discuss : Brainstorm and discuss ways in which the Music Commission may support the state’s music industry during/following the pandemic. Formulate a list of ideas; the Secretary shall record the list.

c. Deliverable : Each committee shall meet to discuss the list of ideas compiled today, brainstorm further, and provide fleshed out suggestions to the Executive Committee by 15 February 2021

X. 2021 Open Meetings Act resolution : Moander introduction, Medina ACTION by roll call vote

a. Review : 2021 Open Meetings Act resolution

b. Vote : Accept the 2021 Open Meetings Act Resolution

XI. Music Commission Foundation update : Schwartz

XII. Adjournment : Medina


2021 Music Commission Regular Meetings

Tuesday 13 April, 13 July, 12 October 1:00pm—3:00pm mst via Zoom until further notice

2021 meeting calendar