
Zoom Voting Procedure

Music Commission Voting by Zoom

In that this is the first meeting of a newly-appointed Music Commission and the first ever Music Commission meeting by Zoom, rules of order for voting are being modified to accommodate the online forum.

General Considerations

As per direction of the Attorney General’s Office and as a general rule for all online meetings, commissioners must identify themselves each time they speak during an online meeting by saying: “This is commissioner {last name}” followed by what it is you wish to say.

Only Governor-appointed commissioners may vote during commission meetings.

According to the commission’s bylaws, commissioners may vote only when a quorum of commissioners is formed. Quorum is formed when seven (7) or more commissioners are present.

Items requiring a vote are identified as ACTION items in the agenda.

Modified Parliamentary Procedure for online voting

1. Invitation. Chair Medina: “Do I hear a motion to _____?”

2. Motion. A commissioner wishing to make a motion will say: “This is commissioner {last name}. I move to _____.”

3. Second. Another commissioner wishing to second the motion will say: “This is commissioner {last name}. I second the motion.”

4. Confirmation. Chair Medina: “It is moved and seconded that the Music Commission _____.”

5. Discussion. Chair Medina: “Is there any discussion?”

  • In the event commissioners wish to discuss. Any commissioner wishing to discuss will say: “This is commissioner {last name}” and then state your concerns, suggestions, etc. To end discussion, Medina will ask: “Are you ready for the question?” If commissioner(s) wish to continue discussion, they may do so at this time. Chair Medina will pause for a few seconds to verify that no commissioner intends to speak further and will proceed with the vote.
  • In the event commissioners do not wish to discuss. Chair Medina will pause for a few seconds to verify that no commissioner intends to speak and will ask: “Are you ready for the question?”

6. Vote. Chair Medina: “The question is on the adoption of the motion that _____. When your name is called, those in favor say ‘Yea’, those opposed say ‘Nay’, those abstaining say ‘Abstain’.” Secretary Ponce will call each commissioner’s name. When called, each commissioner will say: “This is Commissioner {last name} voting yea/nay/abstain.”

7. Closure. Chair Medina: “The ayes have it, the motion carries, and _____ is approved” (indicating the effect of the vote, such as ‘the agenda is approved’) or “The nays have it and the motion fails.”


Zoom Test

New Mexico Music Commission
Regular Meeting Zoom Test
9 November 2020



  • Webinar status
  • Upgrade commissioners and guest speakers to panelist status, verify names are correct on screen.
  • Verify attendees won’t have sound and video rights
  • There is no waiting room
  • Verify people can’t enter room before host
  • Presets for screen view: all panelists, commissioners only, speaker only
  • Screen share
  • Mute/unmute
  • Managing discussion re: mute/unmute sound
  • Simulcast to Facebook

Let’s agree now the meeting will start no later than 1:05pm.


  • What time will we open the room prior to the start of the meeting? 30 minutes
  • How will a panelist indicate they want to comment and/or ask a question of the person speaking?
  • Attorney Gen’s office advises all voting is to be done by roll call vote. This means the Secretary will call each commissioners’ name, to which each commissioner will identify themselves and respond yea, nay, abstain. What is the simplest way to manage muting/unmuting sound during voting?
  • In other private sector Zoom meetings I’ve managed and/or participated in, I’ve noticed the quality of the signal improves when everyone leaves their video muted except when they’re talking. This is of course to get the best sound quality possible for music performances and lessons. It may not be necessary for a talk meeting. That said, should we suggest this to everyone at the start of the meeting?
  • Those of us involved in running the meeting, how shall we best communicate with each other before/during the meeting outside of the actual Zoom meeting?
  • Other questions?

Action Items

  • Thomas: Send email w Zoom link & invite speakers to log in early to check connection, video/audio quality, verify panelist status, screen share, etc.
  • Mute sound for all upon entering room.
  • Open the room before start of meeting.
  • Michelle: Run the NMMC intro powerpoint (auto-timed, auto-repeat) when room opens and until mtg starts.
  • Upgrade commissioners and invited speakers to panelist status, if mtg is regular Zoom.
  • Unmute/mute sound for current speaker during meeting.
  • Manage people arriving late once the meeting starts.
  • Inform Carlos all commissioners are logged in.
  • Carlos: In the event the commission has not reached quorum (7 commissioners in attendance) by 1:05pm, rearrange the agenda to move ACTION items later in the meeting.
  • Notify Carlos as each commissioner arrives after start of meeting.
  • Inform Carlos all guest speakers have logged in prior to start of meeting.
  • Carlos: In the event a guest speaker has not arrived, rearrange the agenda to move the item pertaining to that speaker later in the meeting, or strike the agenda item if the speaker never shows.
  • Notify Carlos as each guest speaker arrives after start of meeting.


State of New Mexico
Music Commission


As per the NMMC bylaws, a Secretary and shall be elected at the annual meeting in January by a majority vote of the Commission members present.


The Secretary shall:

  • take office at the annual meeting at which they are elected
  • call the roll at each Commission meeting
  • cause the minutes of each meeting to be kept
  • submit draft meeting notes (Word doc by email) to the Administrator at the close of each meeting
  • serve on the Executive Committee
  • perform the duties of Secretary for the Executive Committee; responsibilities are listed here.


The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority vote at any regular meeting, remove the Secretary from that office where such action is, in its judgment, in the best interests of the Commission.

The Chair may fill a vacancy in the office of the Secretary by appointment until the next regular meeting of the Commission.



State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Office of VICE-CHAIR

As per the NMMC bylaws, a Vice-Chair and shall be elected at the annual meeting in January by a majority vote of the Commission members present.


The Vice-Chair shall:

  • in the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chair, exercise all powers and duties of the Chair during such absence or incapacity
  • serve on the Executive Committee
  • in the event of the absence of the Executive Committee Chair, exercise all powers and duties of the Executive Committee Chair during such absence or incapacity.


The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of the Commissioners present at a regular meeting of the Commission, recommend to the Governor that the Commission Vice-Chair be removed from office when, in the judgment of such two-thirds majority, the Vice Chair has committed nonfeasance (failure to act when there is a duty), misfeasance (negligence), or malfeasance (performance that was improper or illegal).



State of New Mexico
Music Commission

Biographical Profiles

New Mexico Music Commission

New Mexico Arts Commission

New Mexico Music Commission Foundation

Office of the Attorney General

Department of Cultural Affairs

  • Jane Egan : Special Assistant to Cabinet Secretary Debra Garcia y Griego

New Mexico Arts



Regular Meeting 10 November 2020

State of New Mexico
Music Commission
Regular Meeting

10 November 2020
via Zoom


I. Introductions : Carlos Medina, Chair New Mexico Music Commission (NMMC)

a. Participant biographical profiles : Medina will invite each commissioner and guest speaker to introduce themselves. Introductions will be limited to 30 seconds or less per person.

b. Confirmation of attendance : José Ponce, Secretary New Mexico Music Commission

i. Medina will modify agenda at this time to accommodate lack of quorum and/or absent speakers, as needed.

c. Welcome : Nick Schiavo, Deputy Secretary Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA)

II. Briefly review online voting procedures : Medina

a. Zoom voting procedures

III. Consider approving the agenda : Medina ACTION by roll call vote

IV. Consider approving previous minutes : Medina ACTION by roll call vote

a. 14 August 2018 minutes

V. Introduction of pre-existing Music Commission programs and services : Goodrich

i. NMTour $10,000 per fiscal year, NMA funded (active)

ii. Art2Art $2,000 per fiscal year, NMA funded (inactive)

iii. Platinum Music Awards (inactive)

iv. Student Musician Spotlight will be discussed in IX.c. (inactive)

v. New Mexico Music Directory database needs upgraded (active)

vi. Notable New Mexicans website feature of artists, organizations, educators (active)

vii. Songs About New Mexico website novelty feature (active)

viii. Facebook promotion of artists (active, downsizing)

ix. Deliverable: Each commissioners shall review in-depth the above programs, for which links are provided, before the 12 January 2021 regular meeting, in preparation for development of a new strategic plan

VI. New Mexico Sunshine Laws Training : Christopher Moander, Assistant Attorney General Open Government Division 30 minutes

a. Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) : IPRA Compliance Guide
b. Open Meeting Act (OMA) : OMA Compliance Guide

VII. Briefly review Governing Documents : Medina

a. Executive Order
b. Music Commission Act
c. Bylaws
d. Deliverable: Each commissioners shall review in-depth the 2016-2018 Strategic Plan’s Goals and Objectives and Planning Process before the 12 January 2021 regular meeting, in preparation for development of a new strategic plan : Goals and ObjectivesPlanning Process

VIII. Discussion of Music Commission officers’ roles and January 2021 election : Medina

a. Vice-Chair

i. Solicit interest from Commissioners.

b. Secretary

i. Solicit interest from Commissioners.

IX. New Commissioner Orientation debrief : Medina, Goodrich

a. Orientation materials

b. Key documents

c. Deliverable : Each commissioner shall review in-depth the Student Musician Spotlight (SMS) program and facilitate one (1) nomination before the 12 January 2021 regular meeting : SMS overviewSMS nomination form

X. Resolution to accept the Open Meetings Act : Moander introduction, Medina ACTION by roll call vote 

a. Open Meetings Act resolution

XI. Foundation Introduction and Overview : David Schwartz, President New Mexico Music Commission Foundation (NMMCF)

a. NMMCF brochure

b. Q&A, if time permits

XII. Adjournment : Medina


2021 Music Commission Regular Meetings

Tuesday 12 January, 13 April, 13 July, 12 October 1:00pm—3:00pm via Zoom until further notice

2021 meeting calendar